Product UPS System Industrial UPS APC Make 60 KVA 3:3 Phase Industrial Easy On Line UPS with 15-20 Minute Back up
APC Make 60 KVA 3:3 Phase Industrial Easy On Line UPS with 15-20 Minute Back up

UPS System Industrial UPS

Price: 1091404

MRP 1882662.6 You save 791258.6


Output Capacity 60 Kva
Output Phase 3 Phase
Input Phase 3 Phase
Full Load Backup 30-40 Minutes
Back up at 50% Load 60-80 Minutes
Battery DC Bus 384-480 Vdc
Flexible Battery Option Yes
Battery Capacity (VAH) 64800 Vah
Maximum Charger Capacity Amp.
Warranty for UPS 12 Month(S)
Warranty for Battery 12 Month(S)
Isolation Transformer Optional
Paralleling Options Optional
Battery Interlink Connectors Yes
Cabling 5 Meters For Input and Output Yes
Battery Rack Yes
Paralleling kit for synchronising Optional

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